Welcome to the 
DAD Forge 7 week Challenge  

This is for Men who want to want to take your dad/daughter relationship to the next level! 

Helping Dads fix problems they didn't know they have or will have! 

This 7 week intensive challenge will lay out a process that you can follow and have less stress and more relationship  (and ultimately more influence) 
with your daughter. 
This 7 Week Intensive online training INCLUDES: 
  • ​Expose the 5 mistakes most dads make
  • ​Avoid the 5 problems you didn't know you have or will have
  • ​ Learn what Communication "SHE" hears
  • ​ Help HER develop a strategy for dating
  • ​ Learn How to get and keep influence with  her as she matures
  •   Lastly, Write our your Forged Dad Legacy plan
Do you have:

 A young daughter and want her to know the right way?
 A teenage daughter who is ready to start dating?

Or a teenage daughter who is totally estranged?

Take the challenge today!
with Dr. T.D. Wilson
Better Dad Mentor and host of The Dad Forge Podcast
Hi Dad!

I will never forget the first day I held my first daughter.  My mind streamed with thoughts of her life and future.  She was perfect! 

What will her life become.  How will I help her achieve it? What bone will she break?  Will her heart ever get broken by a boy?  Wait....

Dating... Holy crap.... Dating.. boys... "I hate them already", I don't event know them.  But I was already dreading that season of life.  

I studied being a father almost harder than I studied being a Chiropractor.  I went to conferences, studied books, found mentors and friends who seemed to have it all together.  I made fatherhood my mission.  

God gave me an insane vision for raising daughters and I followed it step by step.  The outcome has been nothing short of amazing.  

Has it been easy?  No!  But the outcome is worth the effort.  

I created this 7 week intensive challenge for any dad to up his game.. 

It's not SIMPLE...however it is powerful 

Join me and the other 99 other dads today! I promise it will be eye opening and help you in ways you didn't even know you needed help!

Honored to support you, 

T. D. Wilson
Better Dad Mentor
The Forged Dad Podcast
STILL need more infomation about the program below?
Keep scrolling, details below. 
Here is a sample of something I teach on in the program. 
This is the ART of being a dad. 
Creating the right mixture of Love, Discipline, and Rules is the key!
Love without discipline = Enabled
Rules without relationship = Rebellion
Discipline without consistency = Disaster

Sometimes in parenting, we lose focus on what stage of life they are in and how we apply rules and discipline.  We sometimes parent like we were parented (which may be great, but most feel they are different)

You will learn that rules and discipline are a part of how a child feels loved if done the correct way.  However, if done the incorrect way, it leads to disconnection and rejection. 

I devote one entire week to this subject, because it is the cornerstone for long term influence in your child's life.  

Start when they are young, Be consistent, Follow the process. 
Abide - REmain! 
I created this online community to help dads navigate uncharted waters.  For many of us, we don't know the next wave that will hit us.  We don't know if our ship will run a ground.  This program is to help guide as a light house on thousands of dads and their stories of success and even their failures. 
No one succeeds alone.  
Men we like to go alone! But this is a journey that has many twist and turns.  It is best navigated with other like minded men.  Ones that are open to sharing their success, failures, trials and faith.  
What is at stake is too important for pride to hold us back from doing life with men who want the best for us.  
Common Vision
No divided homes!   
Getting on the same page as parents is one of the most powerful ways to avoid 90% of teenage issues. 
Men, we are to lead as fathers. Even if we are divorced we can lead.
It doesn't matter what the past has been or what you have experienced. What matters is your desire to grow and create influence. 
I  created THE DAD FORGE out a passion to help men avoid being crappy dads! I have successfully raised his 4 daughters and taken them through this exact process about living their values, great decision making, and dating!
Now I am going to guide you to the same success!
Dad Forge Intensive Module 1

The first Story: Men we make mistakes! Many times not because we mean to, but because WE were trained to.  We simply follow what we were taught, showed, and have experienced.  In some cases this is not bad, but in many cases it is not good at all.  We have simply taken on the traits of our preachers, teachers and parents have given us, with zero thought of what we really wanted to create for our own families.  Today we dig into this

Here's the 'goods': 

  • Access to Private Better Dads page
  • Examine the "story" you were told or taught growing up
  • Challenge the story
  • Forgive the past
  • Set a new direction based on your Vision!
Dad Forge Intensive Module 2

The Mistake Principle: Here are 5 mistakes all dads make at one time or another.  It is never about avoiding mistakes, but learning and growing from them. 

Step 2 - Ounce of prevention:

  • Authority vs Leadership
  • Quality time vs Quantity time
  • Demand vs Engage
  • Rules over Relationship
  • Punish vs Discipline
Dad Forge Intensive Module 3

Problems always happen: Knowing the problems that are going to happen and having a plan to head them off is better than dealing with fires as they happen.  KNOW thou Problems.. 

Step 3 - See around the curve!

  • Influence is seeding when they are little.
  • Their brains change and make you crazy!
  • Hormones are real! 
  • You are their first hero and example of dating!
  • Their rules or your rules?
Dad Forge Intensive Module 4

Communication "she" hears: It is never about what you say! It is always about what is heard.  Learning to speak in the language she can hear can drastically change the outcome of her world. 

Step 4 - Speak her language!

  • Learn what language you both are
  • Find your default settings that may not be working
  • Speak her language vs demand she hears yours! 
Dad Forge Intensive Module 5

She wants to date: The most dreaded day for all dads is the day their little girl wants to date.  We remember how we thought and in many cases how we acted.  We have feared this day for a long time.  What have you done to make sure she is ready? 

Step 5 - Four questions all girls need before dating!

  • What is the purpose of dating?
  • What are your values?
  • What are your deal breakers?
  • Who controls your reputation?
  • The entire program is worth these 4 questions! 
Dad Forge Intensive Module 6

Remain an influencer: When your kids are little, influence is easy.  They give it without much thought or action on our part.  As they go through puberty, their mind shifts and influence can too.  This module is all about getting and keeping influence in their junior high and High school years. 

Step 3 - Don't let others take your place!

  • Influence is seeding when they are little, learn how to keep it
  • How to Remain/Abide
  • Agape style love is the centerpiece for influence
Dad Forge Intensive Module 7

Better Dad Legacy: What does legacy in your family look like? Will your grandkids be telling stories about your leadership and passing on the lessons you gave? You decide what your legacy is by the daily actions you do now.  Will you be known as the sit on the couch kind of dad, or will you leave a Better dad legacy?

Step 3 - Legacy is by design!

  • Catch the vision of the Better Dad Legacy
  • Create a plan for your legacy
  • Learn what "define Better" really means
  • Create a Legacy by daily actions that matter
The 7 Day Better Dad 7 week Intensive Experience begins NOW!
Dr. Ron Robinson

"The Dad Forge program is something that I recommend to every dad with daughters.  From the very beginning the program helps you as a Dad establish and foster a relationship with your daughter that is built on trust and communication.  The program helped me identify areas in my life that I could work on to ensure my vision for our relationship plays out how I've envisioned it.  Every dad should put in the work, you'll be happy you did!!"

Dr. Doug Swanson

As a dad to three young daughters, I am so grateful for the opportunity to apply “The Dad Forge” process proactively in my family’s life.
The Dad Forge has helped me to paint a vision of what’s possible, it has shown me what pitfalls to pay attention to and most importantly why I need to purposely create a relationship that exemplifies the LOVE my daughters deserve to experience with their spouses in the future.

The Dad Forge is pivotal, life changing, and contains Godly wisdom!

Scott Hicks

"I have observed Tracy go down this process.  The information is spot on and will make an dad want to be a better dad.  Doing the work is the critical part of this course.  Don't just listen and remain passive.  Dive in and do the work and really put these principles to test.  It will change your life and your daughters life" 

Jim Burke

The Dad Forge program for me was affirming and convicting at the same time.  Many times the videos would validate ideas that I agreed strongly with and felt I was doing a good job of and then about the time I began to feel very good about myself along would come a dose of reality.  Yes, I know I should be doing that but am I really carrying though on it?  The “homework” assignments helped me focus on those things I knew I should do but maybe wasn’t.

As a man who was a step-father before I became a dad to my own daughter I can see how valuable this information would have been to me in my first role.  Being a step-parent can be extremely challenging and was something that I was totally unprepared for.  The Dad Forge information would have been very helpful to me in being a “step-dad” and not merely a “step-father”.  I never built that close intimate relationship with my step-daughter that I have with my own daughter and many of the “assignments” could have helped in building that relationship.

Stacey Nix


Where do I begin? My wife and I have two daughters.  I have been in Tracy's ear from very beginning when he was teaching these principles to our mens group.  It is such a pleasure to know that so many fathers will be able to start their process with this information.  It will change your life.  It will help you forge a better relationship with your daughters.  Now get to work and enjoy the process"

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